Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Fukushima without the freak out

Has the Fukushima nuclear disaster happened so long ago that everyone has forgotten about it and the possible affects it may have on the United States. In my opinion if today's Californians knew about radiation hitting their coast there would be a little bit of a freak out, yet no one seems to care. But the question is do people not care or do they not know.

Fukushima workers are rumored to have been seen using duct tape to fix problems in their plant, but is this what lead to the nuclear disaster in the first place? Neither the United States nor Japanese government acknowledge these rumors and are quoted saying they don't mean anything. This issue goes past just not acknowledging it but it seems as if people may be actually trying to cover it up with the most ridiculous theory I have seen in a while. Red painted utensils are the supposed cause to the radiation spike on the west coast. I am guessing those red painted utensils are the cause of mutated wildlife on the same coast...

The concern for radiation spikes in the United States from this disaster have gone somewhat silent since 2011 but back in 2011 scientists stated that the radiation amount hitting the US would only increase. So why the decrease in concern?

The cover up continues with the Japanese government assuring citizens that the Fukushima plant is perfectly safe yet at the same time quietly conducting a study that showed more than 75% of toxic waste dumped into the Pacific Ocean in recent years has come from this plant. While the US government has the opportunity to expose these possibilities of unethical toxic waste management they take millions to purchase chemicals to attempt to solve the problem.

The walking dead is just a popular tv show now but what happens when Fukushima has another nuclear disaster from poor toxic waste management and people actually look like this...

See links below for more information, it's worth the read.



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