Sunday, March 23, 2014

"Airspace Violation"

Saturday a Syrian plane was shot down for "invading turkish airspace." Tough not to call this a little aggressive from Turkish prime minister Tayyip Erdogan. The response from Syria was that this was an act of "blatant aggression." After doing a little digging it is tough not to agree. The deceit in the media is the contradicting statements about the actual path of the plane. I have read articles that state how far into turkish airspace the plane went and yet the plane crashed in Syrian territory about 1300 meters from the Turkish border after supposedly going only .6 miles in Turkish airspace. Erdogan followed this act of warfare by strongly standing behind what he did saying that "if you violate my airspace, our slap after this will be hard." It seems as if there was no warning for the jet to return to Syrian territory but more as if the plane was just shot down on sight. The image below shows smoke from the plane after it crashed in Syrian territory. 

When looking at the turkish side of the story one could see why this plane was so quickly shot down. One report states the jet was warned 4 times when it was in Syrian airspace getting close to turkish airspace but did not detour away. What these media outlets are leaving out is what was going on in the area where the plane was shot down. The area has a large amount of Syrian rebel military activity going on, yet I really had to dig to find anything stating this jet may have been related to the military action. This is not the first time a Syrian plane or helicopter has been shot down by Turkish forces, So is there a bigger reasoning behind firing on a jet at the slightest breach of territory? I would call this an act of blatant military aggression but it is difficult to find all the facts with so many contradicting stories about whether the jet was warned or not and whether the jet did or did not make an attempt to turn around. See the links below for brief articles about the jet being shot down and comment for any thoughts or theories on what the true story is here.

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