Friday, April 11, 2014

Assassination Campaign?

In the past, we have heard of other governments attempts to kill their own citizens. For the most part it has been for political reasons, but even though it is by no means acceptable to take another individuals life, some of those countries core values and system functions that way. Now, can you imagine those orders being approved by our government? that one we often proclaimed to be fair and just in all senses, and where Freedom and Equality for All is part of who we are? Probably not! The sad news are that its been happening and most of us have been clueless about it. 

It has been reported that President Obama has been directing a "assassination campaign" for several months already. Even though his primary targets are those to be accused of terrorism, many of them are U.S. citizens as well. In many instances the campaigns goals are being met using drones, reason being is because they are cheaper then sending intelligence personnel to do the dirty work and it can be done fast and quiet. It must be kept in mind that this idea was not initiated by President Obama, it was a left over proposition from the Bush Administration that seemed to fit with this presidency's ideals which have taken many hits and accusations of being "weak" in the last couple of worldwide events.

By allowing such of thing to happen without question and given our government branches (Executive) this much power, are we not allowing them to control our lives at every instance? Don't we think that this might lead to the creation of a secret army of spies who would eventually turn on its own people just because they are following orders and the goals of those in office need to be met? 

For some reason reading about this "Campaign" reminded me of the book 1984 by George Orwell where big brother is always watching you. Is this the type of government that we really want? Or is it too late, and we are part of it already? When the case of the "Assassination Campaign" was brought to the New York courts, the judged ruled that “There are circumstances in which the executive’s decision to kill U.S. citizens overseas is constitutionally committed to the political branches and judicially unreviewable.” Meaning that there is not much that can be done and or questioned about the actions of our so called Democratic government.

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